Clinical Feasibility of Scent Survey for Screening Test for Olfactory Function |
Youngsoo Yang, Hye Rang Choi, Jae Hoon Cho, Seok Chan Hong, Jin Kook Kim |
Departments of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surger, School of medicine, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea. |
후각 기능에 대한 선별검사로서 자가 측정 후각 설문지 (Scent Survey for Screening Test)의 임상 실행 가능성 |
양영수, 최혜랑, 조재훈, 홍석찬, 김진국 |
건국대학교 의과대학 이비인후-두경부외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Background and Objectives The scent survey for screening (SSS) test is a subjective olfactory questionnaire devised for this study. We demonstrated the correlation of the SSS test with other olfactory tests and the efficacy of the SSS test as an olfactory screening test compared to KVSSII. SUBJECTS AND METHOD A total of 363 patients who visited our ORL outpatient department underwent the SSS test, VAS, and KVSS I and II. The patients were divided into two groups, a group with normal olfactory function and a group with olfactory dysfunction according to the KVSS II test. In each group, the correlations between the olfactory tests were studied, and the cut-off value of the SSS test as a screening test was investigated. Results There was positive correlation between CCSIT and KVSS I, II, T, D, and I tests and the SSS test in the total group and in the olfactory dysfunction group (p<0.05). The identification test in the KVSS II showed the highest positive correlation. While the cut-off value of normal olfactory function in the KVSS II is 28, the SSS test showed the highest specificity and sensitivity of 74 under an ROC curve. Conclusion The SSS test showed very high correlation with other olfactory tests, especially in an olfactory dysfunction group. This result indicates that the SSS is appropriate as a screening test to select people with olfactory disorder. |
Key Words:
Questionnaire;Olfaction disorders;Olfactory function test |