J Rhinol > Volume 26(2); 2019
Journal of Rhinology 2019;26(2):117-121.
Published online November 30, 2019.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18787/jr.2019.26.2.117   
A Case of Congenital Nasal Pyriform Aperture Stenosis
Jun Lee, So Young Choi, Myoung Su Choi
1Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Eulji University Medical Center, Eulji University School of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea. mschoi@eulji.ac.kr
2Department of Radiology, Eulji University Medical Center, Eulji University School of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea.
선천성 비이상구 협착증 1례
이준, 최소영, 최명수
을지대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실,1 영상의학교실2
Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (CNPAS) is a rare cause of upper airway obstruction in the newborn. This affliction is due to bony overgrowth of the nasal process of the maxilla. CNPAS is diagnosed clinically and confirmed with CT scan. Patients can be managed conservatively or surgically. In this report, a male neonate had respiratory distress, cyclic cyanosis, and apnea after delivery. The patient underwent surgical correction of pyriform stenosis with a transnasal approach. During follow up, the patient showed recurred respiratory distress and cyanosis. Revision operation was necessary to reduce the bony inferior turbinate and pyriform aperture. CNPAS should be suspected in newborns with clinical signs of severe nasal obstruction associated with difficulty passing a small catheter through the anterior nares.
Key Words: Holoprosencephaly;Nasal obstruction;Newborn;Pyriform;Respiratory distress

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