A Case of Dacryocele with Recurrent Dacryocystitis |
Seung Won Chung, Hyun Woo Lim, Sang Hag Lee, Heung Man Lee |
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. lhman@korea.ac.kr |
재발성 누낭염을 동반한 비루관 낭종 1예 |
정승원, 임현우, 이상학, 이흥만 |
고려대학교 의과대학 이비인후-두경부외과학교실 |
Abstract |
A dacryocele is an uncommon complication of obstruction in nasolacrimal drainage system. It seems to occur as a result of a distal obstruction at the Hasner's valve and an proximal obstruction at the Rosenmuller's valve and has mostly been treated by opthalmologists until now. We present a rare case of dacryocele with recurrent dacryocystitis, which recurred after lacrimal probing and bougination. Dacryocele has been treated successfully through marsupialization under the endoscopic visualization. |
Key Words:
Dacryocele;Lacrimal duct obstruction;Marsupialization |