A Case of Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Abdominal Keloid Tissue |
Chan Hum Park, Sung Ju Hong, Jun Ho Lee, Ki Hyun Chang |
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. hlpch@lycos.co.kr |
복부 켈로이드를 이용한 융비술 1예 |
박찬흠, 홍성주, 이준호, 장기현 |
한림대학교 의과대학 이비인후-두경부외과학교실 |
Abstract |
The nose is an important aesthetic projection affecting the profile of the face. In general, east and South East Asians have noses characterized by a wide flat dorsum, a bulbous thick nasal tip, thick subcutaneous tissues with alar flare and a short, retracted columella. Such anatomical characteristics have resulted in augmentation rhinoplasty to be the most popular procedure for Far East Asian noses. Various materials have been used for augmenting the nasal dorsum from the past. But several kinds of problems still exist after these augmentations and there are no desirable materials until now. A case of augmentation rhinoplasty with keloid tissue for the first time in Korea is being reported. |
Key Words:
Keloid;Augmentation;Rhinoplasty |