A Case of Revision Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Dermofat Graft: 2 Years Follow-up Result |
Jun Mo Kim, Moon Sun Seo, Beom Seok Seo, Seok Hwa Kim |
Department of Otolaryngology, Pundang Jesaeng Hospital, Daejin Medical Center, Seongnam, Korea. drk@dmc.or.kr |
진피지방이식을 이용한 2차 융비술 1예:2년간의 추적 결과 |
김준모, 서문선, 서범석, 김석화 |
대진의료원 분당제생병원 이비인후과 |
Abstract |
Many allograft materials have been used for performing augmentation rhinoplasty. But in cases involving complications such as infection, inflammation and foreign body reaction, these should be removed and replaced with an autograft material which is more suitable for revision surgery. Frequently, the use of autograft materials, including bone and cartilage, are restricted by many limitations such as unavailability, insufficiency in volume, and resorption. By using the dermofat, however, we achieved good surgical results in revision rhinoplasty from the aspect of volume and donor site morbidity. Thus, we report this case with a review of the literature. |
Key Words:
Rhinoplasty;Prosthesis and implants;Surgical revision;Gore-tex |