A Case of Secondary Trigeminal Neuralgia Caused by Infected Postoperative Maxillary Cyst |
Sang Min Lee, Han Kyung Sung, Ju Chang Kang, Hong Joong Kim |
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital, Daejin Medical Center, Seongnam, Korea. joong2@dmc.or.kr |
술후상악낭종 환자에서 삼차신경통이 유발된 증례 1례 |
이상민, 성한경, 강주창, 김홍중 |
대진의료재단 분당제생병원 이비인후-두경부외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Postoperative maxillary cyst (POMC) is relatively common complication among patients who underwent Caldwell-Luc surgery. Patients with POMC usually have no symptoms, although cyst extension can result in bone destruction or cystic infection with pain. The trigeminal nerve consists of the ophthalmic nerve, maxillary nerve, and mandibular nerve. Among these branches, the maxillary nerve runs to the lateral and frontal sides of the maxillary sinus wall. POMC can rarely lead to trigeminal neuropathy caused by cyst enlargement that compresses some branches of the trigeminal nerve. Recently, we experienced a case with trigeminal neuralgia due to POMC. The patient was successfully treated with inferior meatal antrostomy. We report this rare case with a literature review. |
Key Words:
Trigeminal neuralgia;Maxillary sinus;Postoperative maxillary cyst;Postoperative cheek cyst |