Journal of Rhinology 2010;17(2):124-128.
Published online November 30, 2010.
Schwannomas of the Sinonasal Tract: Three Case Reports
Seong Rok Lee, Eun Jeong Heo, Sang Min Lee, Jeong Gwon Nam
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Ulsan University College of Medicine, Ulsan University Hospital, Ulsan, Korea.
비강 및 부비동에서 발생한 신경초종 3예
이성록, 허은정, 이상민, 남정권
울산대학교 의과대학 울산대학교병원 이비인후과학교실
Schwannomas are benign tumors derived from the Schwann cells of the nerve sheath. These are rare tumors that can be found in any part of the body although fewer than 4% of these tumors involve the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Here, we present three cases of sinonasal schwannoma. The tumor masses were removed by endoscopic excision under general anesthesia. Pathological examination of the excised specimens confirmed schwannoma and the tumor cells were immunoreactive for S-100 protein. The patients are doing well with no evidence of recurrence.
Key Words: Schwannoma;PNS;Nose

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