Clinical Comparison of Post-Tonsillectomy Pain : Tonsillectomy Using Cold Instrument Versus Tonsillectomy Using Electrocautery |
Hyung Jun Lee, Young Hyun Kim, Jeong Suk Choi, Bo Hyung Kim, Sung Ho Kang, Dae Jun Lim |
Department of Otorhinorlaryngology, University of Konkuk, School of Medicine, Chungju, Korea. |
편도선 절제술후 통증비교연구 : Snare를 이용한 박리편도절제술과 전기소작을 이용한 편도절제술 비교 |
이형준, 김영현, 최정석, 김보형, 강성호, 임대준 |
건국대학교 의학전문대학원 이비인후과학교실 |
Abstract |
Background and Objectives Tonsillectomy is one of the most common operations in otolaryngology and is performed with various surgical techniques. It seems that there is no superior technique regarding post-tonsillectomy pain. We attempted to identify preferable methods of tonsillectomy in clinical practice by comparing the levels of postoperative pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS Between June 2009 and Jan 2010, 80 cases of tonsillectomy were performed. In Group A (age : 10-15 years, 40 cases), 20 cases involved tonsillectomy via snare. The other 20 underwent tonsillectomy using electrocautery. The same surgical division was applied in Group B (25-40 ages, 40 cases). All tonsillectomies were performed under general anesthesia by the same surgeon.
RESULT: The mean duration of postoperative pain after tonsillectomy by snare and tonsillectomy by electrocautery in Group A was 5.2+/-2.1 and 6.7+/-3.7, respectively. The mean duration of postoperative pain after tonsillectomy by snare and tonsillectomy by electrocautery in Group B was 7.4+/-1.4 and 10.8+/-3.2, respectively. The results indicate that electrocautery is the more painful method of the two tested methods. The difference in post-tonsillectomy pain was statistically significant between the surgical methods. Conclusion It seems that snare tonsillectomy is a useful method for reducing post-tonsillectomy pain compared with that after electrocautery tonsillectomy. |
Key Words:
Snare;Electrocautery;Post-tonsillectomy pain |